Monday, August 06, 2007

Pilgrim's Progress

As usual, I had an overly ambitious plan of action scheduled to attack the chores I need to do around the house. Every waking hour was allotted to some task revolving around folding clothes, storing clothes, storing yarn, finding yarn projects and doing my personal as well as professional finances (I have to do my expense reports or I'm going to Debtors Prison). I did errands on Saturday, then sort of collapsed. And yesterday I slept until 10--this is unheard of for me but since I worked until 2 AM on Friday, probably not unexpected.

I worked steadily until around 2 PM, then took a shower, fully intending to go back to work. I had allotted an hour for "spa" activities, which includes face and hair masks and body scrubs and self tanner. I started a felted purse for my sister while I waited for the self tanner to activate. Then I went to the movies. I liked The Bourne Ultimatum--I always considered Matt Damon to be too young for me but he's grown up very nicely. That was a nice respite despite the women on both sides of me text messaging throughout the movie and the man behind me kicking my chair.

This is why I'm a fan of Netflix. That, and the ability to knit throughout a movie.

I'm halfway through my homework for Stitches. Just hope I get to go according to new boss wants me to be at a new business pitch. He hasn't been including me in conference calls, creative reviews or other meetings, so maybe...or maybe it's wishful thinking.

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