Sunday, August 12, 2007

Stitches Success!
I took two finishing classes at Stitches. These photos are from today's class, The Joy of Finishing with Chris Bylsma. I'm still working on picking up stitches neatly but I really like the buttonholes. And check out the seam joining a "sleeve" to a "body" in my swatch--I used bright pink yarn for the seam and you can't see it. I also have to give credit to Joan Schroder's class Finishing: The Grand Finale for learning the Kitchener stitch and grafting the day before I did these. I "got" some techniques easier than I did other--for example, I could graft off a front and a back needle but made a complete mess of grafting ribs on four different needles. I undid all the stitching and almost saved the swatches to try again on my own, but needed space for new yarns. In the meantime, I have these samples to pin on my wall.

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